

structure Category.Isomorphism {O : Sort u_1} [𝓒 : Category O] (A B : O) :
Sort (max 1 u_2)

An isomorphism demonstrates that two objects cannot be distinguished in this category.

From a category-theoretic point of view, it's really uncouth to say anything more than that two objects are isomorphic. Lean equality depends on the particular encoding of the category, and not on the essence of the object we're studying.

Instances For
    theorem Category.Isomorphism.ext {O : Sort u_1} {𝓒 : Category O} {A B : O} {x y : A B} (out : x.out = y.out) (inv : x.inv = y.inv) :
    x = y

    Notation to be able to write A ≅ B instead of Isomorphism A B

    Instances For
      theorem Category.Isomorphism.out_eq_then_inv_eq {O : Sort u_1} [𝓒 : Category O] {A B : O} {f g : A B} :
      f.out = g.outf.inv = g.inv

      If two isomorphisms have the same main function, their inverses must also match.

      This is a useful technical lemma, since we can then use it to prove identities about isomorphisms without having to prove the same result for both the carrier and the inverse.

      theorem Category.Isomorphism.eq_iff_out_eq {O : Sort u_1} [𝓒 : Category O] {A B : O} {f g : A B} :
      f = g f.out = g.out

      To prove that two isomorphisms are equal, it suffices to show their carriers are equal.

      This is a key simplifier for equalities of isomorphisims.

      def Category.Isomorphism.flip {O : Sort u_1} [𝓒 : Category O] {A B : O} (i : A B) :
      B A

      An isomorphism can be flipped, and considered in the other direction.

      • i.flip = { out := i.inv, inv := i.out, pre_inv := , post_inv := }
      Instances For
        def Category.Isomorphism.flip_flip_eq {O : Sort u_1} [𝓒 : Category O] {A B : O} (i : A B) :
        i.flip.flip = i

        Flipping an isomorphism twice produces the original isomorphism.

        • =
        Instances For
          def Category.Isomorphism.comp {O : Sort u_1} [𝓒 : Category O] {A B C : O} (i0 : A B) (i1 : B C) :
          A C

          Isomorphisms can be composed together.

          • i0.comp i1 = { out := i0.out i1.out, inv := i1.inv i0.inv, pre_inv := , post_inv := }
          Instances For
            theorem Category.Isomorphism.comp_out_eq_comp {O : Sort u_1} [𝓒 : Category O] {A B C : O} {F : A B} {G : B C} :
            (F.comp G).out = F.out G.out

            When showing that the composition of isomorphisms

            def {O : Sort u_1} [𝓒 : Category O] {A : O} :
            A A

            Any object is isomorphic to itself, as demonstrated by the identity function.

            • = { out :=, inv :=, pre_inv := , post_inv := }
            Instances For
              theorem Category.Isomorphism.id_out_eq_id {O : Sort u_2} [𝓒 : Category O] {A : O} :

              Simplifying the identity isomorphism to the identity morphism.

              This is useful because proving identities about isomorphisms boils down to proving identities about the carrier functions.

              structure OfIso (α : Sort u_1) :
              Sort (max 1 u_1)

              A wrapper structure to define the category of isomorphisms.

              • unOfIso : α
              Instances For
                def Category.Iso {O : Sort u_1} [𝓒 : Category O] :

                Isomorphisms form a category.

                Instances For
                  def Category.is_mono {O : Sort u_1} [𝓒 : Category O] {B C : O} (f : Category.Struct.Mor B C) :

                  The property of being a monomorphism, i.e. preserving equalities by post-composition.

                  Instances For
                    def Category.is_epi {O : Sort u_1} [𝓒 : Category O] {A B : O} (f : Category.Struct.Mor A B) :

                    The property of being an epimorphism, i.e. being a monomorphism in the opposite category.

                    Instances For
                      class Category.Mono {O : Sort u_1} [𝓒 : Category O] {A B : O} (f : Category.Struct.Mor A B) :

                      The claass of functions that are monomorphisms

                        class Category.Epi {O : Sort u_1} [𝓒 : Category O] {A B : O} (f : Category.Struct.Mor A B) :